Casey Aviation Founder/Chief Pilot/DPE/CPIIMHG/ATP
The Malibu is a pressurized airplane, and any pressurization system is only as strong as the weakest link. The weakest link is almost always the mechanical component that is the largest. In the Malibu the door is the largest mechanical component of the structure. So, it stands to reason that the door in the Malibu…
A real threat to the health of your Malibu is the potential to miss-load the airplane while on the ground. The Malibu can be loaded so that it rotates on the main gear backwards allowing the tail to strike the ground. If it does strike the ground, the rear tie-down will be the first part…
The PA-46 has super-long wings that are perfect for high altitude performance, but they also come with the penalty of a low Va (Maneuvering speed) for the airframe (read post, “Malibu Maneuvering Speed”). Due to this, many owners have installed spoilers to help with quick descents. One of my biggest arguments against the spoilers is…
2011 is going to remembered as the year of a really severe drought. This has been a punishing summer for Texans and (as of this writing) there is no end in sight (we need a good tropical depression to camp out over the state for a few days!). One of the cool things about the…
I am totally pissed! I did it again! It was not even 3 years ago that I landed a Piper Malibu on a short runway only to notice upon touchdown that one complete side of the brake system was completely inoperative. Now, just last week, it happened again! Here’s the story and the fix to…
A nice lady at my church recently pulled me aside to tell me that she and a few of her “mother friends” were considering coming out to the airport to take their young children on a “field trip”. She asked if I’d show them around so the kids could see something different. It ended up…
I’m a little late getting the IPad, but I recently bought one and let me assure you that it is simply awesome for aviation applications. Here’s the apps I use regularly: Foreflight:Easily the most important IPad App Iv’e used, Foreflight provides digital approach plates, enroute charts, VFR sectionals, AFD’s, and even online flight plan filing.…
I live in Jacksonville, TX, the “Tomato Capitol of the World”. We have the historic Tomato Bowl Football Stadium, the Tomato Fest, and, most applicably to our discussion, the Tomato Drop at the Cherokee County Airport. Last Saturday we had the Tomato Drop and all had a really good time. We place a huge target…
My first entrance into the PA-46 world was with a 1989 Mirage. I developed a love affair with the airplane because I am motivated by efficiency and performance. I loved the fact that I could take off in Texas and land in Virginia in less than 4 hours in cabin-class comfort. So…should you consider a…
Maintaining your position in relation to the center of the earth is something we all take for granted each day as we move about the earth. We are able to do so only because of an extremely complex and Divinely designed system in our bodies called the Vestibular System which contains, in part, the Otolith…