Usually initial training takes about four days to complete. Some take a little more and some a little less. All training is done to FAA standards and it is expected that you are a current, instrument-proficient, and serious aviator. The TBM/PA-46/King Air airframes are no airplanes for amateurs, and a serious approach to flying is required for any legitimate level of safety. Don’t let this scare you if you’re not Chuck Yeager…just make sure you come to flight training with your game-face on, ready to learn. We go through the systems in detail, fly IFR and VFR, and train through emergency procedures. At the end of the training, you’ll feel comfortable going anywhere with your new magic carpet.
For any instructor other than Joe or Deanna: $6,000 for up to a 4-day training event. If additional days of training are required, those days will be charged at $1,500/day. Travel days apply.
For Joe or Deanna: $8,000 for up to a 4-day training event. If additional days of training are required, those days will be charged at $2,000/day. Travel days apply.
Mentor Training: Mentor training is additional hours of training required either to increase proficiency or because of an insurance company mandate. During initial training (4-day event) a client normally receives 15 (or so) hours of flight time. Mentor training is beyond initial training. If a client receives initial training from Casey Aviation, the additional days of training are charged $1,500/day. If initial training is completed by a different training provider, the mentor hours are charged at the rate of $2,000/day.