Continental 520 with a 2-blade prop

Do lower numbers really mean a lesser product?  Is an iPhone 6 really better than an iPhone 5? Is a PT6-35 really better than a PT6-34? Is a 4-blade prop better than a 3-blade prop or a 2-blade prop?  And is a Continental 550 really better than a Continental 520?  The answer is to all…

Shock Cooling in a PA46

We’ve all heard it said…”reduce the throttle by no more than 1-inch every minutes to ensure you don’t shock-cool your engine”.  Does this advice apply to a PA46 engine?  Can a PA46 engine (Lycoming 540 or Continental 520/550) really be shock-cooled?  How should the engine temperature be managed? Metals expand and contract with temperature, and…

Intercoolers on a piston PA46

One of the really cool aspects of my work is the ability to work alongside the super-neat people that own/operate a PA46.  Those that own PA46’s tend to be interesting and successful people with a special business niche in the American marketplace.  Recently I got to train someone that I found particularly interesting…MMOPA past president…

Avoiding a Hot Start…

Let there be no doubt about it…the greatest danger that faces your PT6 engine (and consequently, your wallet size) is the potential of a hot start.  So, knowing exactly how to start your PT6 is critical.  Here’s the noteworthy points of an engine start that I recommend you consider when starting your PT6-powered PA-46: 1.) Check battery…


When PA-46 piston drivers asks me about the operational costs of a turbine PA-46, I tell them the cost associated with a turbine on a comparative-trip-basis are very similar to operating a piston.  But, I always include one caveat…turbines are cheap to operate as long as the pilot doesn’t do stupid things.  Stupid in a…

Too hot turbo charger…

During M-Class KSEE  (July 2014), we found a turbo charger on a Mirage that showed signs of being too hot.  On the same day, another Mirage made an emergency landing at KSEE with a complete turbo charger failure, including a nearly-complete loss of oil and subsequent loss of oil pressure.  The turbo charger failure and subsequent…

Jetprop: FOD or something else?

I recently had the pleasure of helping a customer buy a Jetprop. We found a fabulous mid-90’s model with a -34 engine and they’ve been thrilled with the performance and reliability. The customer wanted to have a few other pilots trained in the Jetprop to ensure 100% of the missions could be handled. So, I…

Exhaust leaks…

On a really clear, perfect day for flying without a cloud in the sky, I had a flight from Cherokee County (KJSO) up to Auburn, IN (KGWB), which is about a 4 hour flight in the Malibu. I’ve flown this flight literally hundreds of times, but this day I would not get out of Texas.…