Casey Aviation Founder/Chief Pilot/DPE/CPIIMHG/ATP

Oil changes and oil analysis…

Concerning oil changes…I have mine changed every 30 hours whether it is a Continental or a Lycoming engine.  As a wise old pilot once told me, “You don’t want to go too much more than that without having someone look under the hood…just too many moving parts!”  I’ve tried going to 50 hours during times…

140 KIAS…

140 KIAS is an important airspeed in the PA-46 Piston’s, but it is not an airspeed you will see listed in the POH for any particular reason.  Why 140 KIAS? It’s all about the cooling. In either a Continental or Lycoming powered Malibu, the highest temperature I like to see for any cylinder is 375F. …

Malibu Engine Seizure…

February 15th was just like most days for me in terms of flying and flight preparations.  I made the final arrangements for my business visit with a customer and called the airport FBO (KJSO, Cherokee County, TX) to have the 1989 Piper Malibu Mirage taken from the hangar and fueled for the trip.  This one…